2021 — 6-minute look-back read

6 min readDec 31, 2021

I will say it right off the bat — 2021 was personally comfortable; it was also not eventful. Whether it was the threat of an inclement weather or deferred vaccination schedules, not much has materialized since there were not much penned plans either. One thing remained true though: even in the quiet, God met me.

After over 11 months of living in convenience and being confident that I have everything I need, we finally moved to a new home yesterday. It was a whirlwind decision and I seriously cannot recall how I was able to put everything together in less than two weeks. We are now accessibly situated so I trust that I will be more zealous about going places, literally.

I had enough to spare for some new furniture but I still have lots missing. I need an extended kitchen island because the sink is not spacious enough to accommodate all of my kitchen needs. I don’t have a rack yet so my TV is sitting on the floor unboxed. I initially thought of placing my oven above the mini fridge but I think it can wait since that freezing thing is still under the stairs. I have a black sofa bed in the living room which I am so proud of; it sure is not the color I wanted but it was the most affordable choice. It looks prettier to me now since there are no other couches around to compare. I am yet to shop for a detachable prayer altar so I had to place Jesus in my dining table in the meantime. I made sure He has a cute potted plant fit for a VIP!

Our unit has two bedrooms, with one all settled in, the other with some more boxes that still need sorting. The supermarket is a stone throw away from home so I had the chance to quickly swing by earlier this morning. My neighbor, Kuya Bob, warmly greeted me on his way out as I was also about to leave. He told me where we can drop our garbage because he saw all the torn boxes leaning back up the wall in our tiny balcony. My landlady and her husband drove all the way from Batangas yesterday just to welcome me and my brother. A “This was meant for you!” statement from the kind spouse was all I needed to hear to know that God orchestrated all of this. Everyone is kind to us in this neighborhood and I am grateful. It is always a prayer to be surrounded in and with love wherever I go.

My internet provider called me this afternoon to confirm my availability so they can transfer our line. I was initially skeptic they could do it as soon as possible because people beg for efficient customer service in this country. But everything always has a way of sorting themselves out, and even in things as little as this, I feel favor chasing after me.

I was looking for my laurel leaves about an hour ago after I marinated some meat for adobo, but it seems to me we forgot to pack it along with all the other condiments. I ended up finding a packet of banana blossoms at the bottom of our grocery bin and I remembered happening to buy some pineapple juice from my supermarket run this morning. The more plausible choice for tonight is clearly not adobo but the ever unhealthy (but super yum) — humba. Just another reminder that I have everything I need if only I looked closely.

San Nicolas, Gorordo Avenue, A.S. Fortuna, Grapes. Street names I will always remember. I’ve lived in many places all throughout my life but I have no vivid recall of how home feels like. I can only remember how life trained me to be independent and responsible because it was a non-negotiable growing up in a solo parent household, until Papa also left.

Coincidentally and this might sound off track (but believe me, I have a point). I recently saw a video of farmers in Thailand using this traditional farming technique where they use ducks instead of pesticides. They trample the ground flat after every harvest so the soil needs less ploughing. I don’t know about the association but it is a life lesson I can completely relate to. I was in survival mode all my life — swinging, slamming, breaking open — so I am thankful to have finally experienced a period of comfort and safety, and after all I have been through, I needed less adjusting. The world was suddenly so easy to conquer.

I used to be reckless in my train to always take matters into my own hands in the name of independence so I am relieved to have realized early on how that train not only needed a more mature passenger, but an even more capable Driver. I am beyond grateful.

This time last year, I wore a shirt that said “All things new” but that line seems to be more apt this time. Our garage lights went off which seemed to me was a signal just in time when I decided to move to a new home. This might sound funny but I shed some old skin after starting on my retinol regimen. Modern Family, my favorite show, is leaving Netflix today. We ran out of sugar and coffee in our old home in the very nick. Things have a funny way of reminding me that God is an 11:59 God. He is never early, but He is also always never late. His timing is always perfect so when He commands new beginnings, I will cheerfully and obediently heed.

Moving to a new home is not only a big job, it is also a big expense; and I am happy to declare that I am more grateful to be in a position where I am capable of spending than I am anxious of how much I actually spent. The work of my hands can only do so much so whatever I have, and whatever I will ever have is not from me, but from my God who loves me unconditionally. “So why would I fear the future? For Your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life.” Psalm 23:6

I have said it many times but I want to say it again: I can never stress enough how a heart that is always open and willing to give way to God’s plans has consistently promoted me and kept me out of harm’s way. While this year was literally just a repeat of the past year, I have dedicated more time to serve God through the ministry this time. This was a year of selfless service, and because I knew I was in my comfort zone, I didn’t ask big; but no matter the size of my prayers, God never failed to show me His strength and abundance.

I basked in comfort this year, and by God’s grace, I will flourish¹ in the coming year.

The ground is safe. The cab is steady. I know Who I am riding shotgun with.

P.S. This holiday season is not the same for most people I know, especially for family and friends back in Cebu. A super typhoon swept through the region wreaking havoc to homes and utilities, stripping trees fallen and bare. People can only hold out against so much wind; if only we are heard when we demand better from those in-charge, which we actually do not have to be even doing if only they are doing their jobs. In the waiting where our cries for help are supposed to matter but otherwise remain futile, let us take this time to pray for the victims of the typhoon, and to even pray harder for clean and honest elections; that they uphold the integrity and sanctity of the ballot. The New Year is our chance to elect better — so not only can we withstand any deluge, but also efficiently and immediately recover should that deluge knock us down. Even more importantly, may this season remind us that we have a God who restores. And when He restores, he restores in abundance.

¹flourish (intransitive verb): to grow luxuriantly (thrive); to achieve success (prosper).

Bold favor, grace, love, joy, peace, kindness, wise choices, divine protection, good health, and prosperity this 2022!




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